Contact Information

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The Henley Room

at the Argonaut Rowing Club
1225 Lakeshore Blvd West
Toronto, ON, M6K 3C1


Our what3words address is:

General Manager

Robin Banwell
Book A Call


The venue is open by appointment only, please send in all requests via phone or email.

*Please note, The Henley Room team is occupied with weekend events and closed Monday-Tuesday. We will respond by Wednesday to any inquiries received between Saturday and Tuesday.

find us


Take the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) to the Gardner Expressway, exit at Lakeshore Blvd. Pass the Royal Canadian Legion on your right and turn right on to Net Drive just before the tennis courts. Go down the hill and turn left into the Green P parking lot. Park anywhere but we recommend parking closer to the Argonaut Rowing Club, closer to the east side.


Take the 504 King streetcar/trolley, and exit at Jameson Ave. Walk south over the Gardiner and then take the footbridge over Lakeshore Blvd West. From the foot bridge, look to your right and you will see the Argonaut Rowing Club. Take the to the club. It’s about a 10 minute walk from the street car stop.


Take the Gardner Expressway and exit at Jameson Ave. Carry on along Lakeshore Blvd, past the lights at Jameson Ave on the furthest left lane. Make a left onto Net Drive just before the lights. Go down the hill and turn left into the Green P parking lot. Park anywhere but we recommend parking closer to the Argonaut Rowing Club, closer to the east side.