For 149 years, the Argonaut Rowing Club has been bringing together the people of Toronto along the North shore of Lake Ontario. The Henley Room at the Argonaut Rowing Club is a place for these community members to come together and enjoy great company in the presence of creative food, distinctive beverages, and stunning views.
A membership at The Henley Room provides our members a new way to enjoy the historic space that once housed the Argonaut Football team and many great Olympic rowers.
Our halls have been filled with many a love and celebration; now it’s time to make your mark on the water.
During Club Hours, members of The Henley Room are invited to enjoy the inspiring views while working on their next creative project or meeting friends while enjoying a selection of goods from the kitchen.
On top of access to our club hours starting in September 2021, membership has its perks, including:
- Access to book Meeting Space at The Henley Room;
- Membership rates on booking events at The Henley Room;
- Early Access to Ticketed Events;
- Invites to Social Networking Events;
- Three Guest Check-ins with each visit;
- With many more to come…

Weddings, birthdays and corporate offsites, Members receive exclusive benefits and rates when it comes to booking their events at The Henley Room. Complete our inquiry form to find out more.
Capacity: 160 seated, 200 standing
Exclusive Event Invites
Members of The Henley Room are invited to join us for upcoming exclusive events. Members receive early invites and discounts when it comes to booking these unique experiences. Check our calendar for a list of upcoming events.

The following outlines the policies and procedures that our members are expected to uphold while making use of their membership to The Henley Room.
If you have any questions with regards to these policies, please contact the General Manager.
All members are required to adhere to the Argonaut Rowing Club Privacy Policy found here.
All members are required to adhere to the Argonaut Rowing Club Harassment Policy found here.
The Argonaut Rowing Club is committed to the continuous improvement of all facilities when it comes to the accessibilities for all members. The accessibility and standards policy for the Argonaut Rowing club may be found here.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback about our accessibility services, please email the general manager.
Room Rules
The Argonaut Rowing Club operates The Henley Room as an event space and lounge for both members and non-members. Membership to The Henley Room is intended for those looking to expand their personal experiences and improve their personal well-being. It requires adherence to accepted standards of conduct and the Room rules to safeguard the use and enjoyment of The Henley Room at the Argonaut Rowing Club by its members and their guests.
Last updated August 1, 2021
1. The Henley Room
Each member contracts their membership with the Argonaut Rowing Club that looks after The Henley Room. In these Room rules, we will refer to The Henley Room as ‘the Room’.
The Argonaut Rowing Club reserves the right to charge members a joining fee, an annual subscription fee and for admission to the Room premises from time to time. The right to amend or waive any such fees or subscriptions from time to time shall be at the Argonaut Rowing Club’s sole discretion.
2. Your membership application
By completing and submitting your application for membership, you agree to be bound by the Room rules.
The Argonaut Rowing Club admits new members to The Henley Room membership quarterly. The Membership Committee shall have sole discretion as to who shall become a member of The Henley Room.
You are free to withdraw your application at any time. Should you wish to do so, please contact our membership team at If your membership application is accepted, we will confirm this by sending you a ‘Welcome to The Henley Room’ email. Your membership will commence on the date your ‘Welcome to The Henley Room’ email is sent.
3. Referring new members
Members are welcome to refer new members to join The Henley Room. Referrals should be made by email to the General Manager of The Henley Room
4. U25 membership
Members whose applications are accepted on, or before, their 25th birthday will enjoy the benefits of a discount on their membership fee.
5. Membership renewal
Membership is for a minimum period of one year and renewable on an annual basis.
The Henley Room management team will be in touch before the end of your current membership to confirm your renewal details.
6. Membership database
To better serve our members, we require up-to-date contact information for all of our members as well as a valid credit card on file, with authorization to process any outstanding bills at the Room. Please contact the general manager if at any time your contact details or payment details need to be updated.
7. Membership payment
Upon renewal of your membership, your membership fees become payable immediately. By providing us with your payment details, you accept and consent to be charged with membership fees through a credit card payment. It is within our discretion to update our membership fees at any time, and we will notify you in advance if there are to be any changes to the amount, date or frequency of the payment of your membership fees.
Failure to pay the annual membership fees (or any instalment thereof) within one month of the due date will result in the member not being admitted to the Room and the membership being paused.
8. Resignation of your membership
If you have selected monthly, quarterly or annual payment and choose to resign your membership (or your membership is cancelled partway through the year), you will still need to pay your full membership fee for the remainder of the year. Refunds will be at the discretion of the Argonaut Rowing Club.
9. Membership cards
All membership cards must be shown to the staff of the Room upon arrival. If any member allows their card to be used by a non-member, such non-member shall be denied access to, or removed from, the Room, and the member whose card was used may face suspension or termination of their own membership. Please notify us immediately if your membership card is lost or stolen.
10. Your personal information
We will use the personal information you provide us in connection with your membership, internally, in order to provide you with tailored services. The Henley Room will adhere to the Privacy Policy of the Argonaut Rowing Club, which may be found here.
11. Guests
Members are permitted to bring up to three guests with them to the Room at any one time. Please note that the Room reserves the right to restrict member/guest access to certain areas of the Room to ensure an enjoyable atmosphere for the members. A member’s guests may not enter the Room without that member being present. Members may not be separated from their guests within the Room or allow their guests to remain in the Room when they leave. Members are responsible for ensuring their guests follow all Room rules and policies, and can face suspension or termination of their membership if their guests violate such rules or policies.
12. Children
The Room is designed for adults but aim to be child-friendly. Please be considerate of other members when you bring children, who count as part of your guest allowance. Children are your responsibility at all times when present at the Room, please ensure they are not left unattended at any time.
13. Dress code
The Room aspires to provide a casual and approachable, non-corporate environment. To preserve this casual environment, members should refrain from corporate entertaining while wearing corporate attire in the Room. On the other hand, members and guests should not be dressed in athletic attire. Members are responsible for ensuring their guests abide by this rule.
14. Privacy for members/guests
Members and their guests must not approach, disturb or solicit others in the Room with whom they are not personally acquainted. Doing so may lead to suspension or termination of membership.
15. Mobile phones
To protect the relaxed atmosphere within the Room, members may not take or make phone calls, and phones should be set to silent mode. Texting is permitted and calls may be made in designated areas within the Room. The use of a speakerphone is strictly prohibited, even in designated phone call areas. This phone policy also applies to all guests.
16. Cameras/recording devices
No cameras, video, or other recording devices, whether live-streaming or otherwise and whether on a mobile phone or another medium, may be used while in the Room during general Room hours, without prior approval from management and proper notice to all members. Members are responsible for ensuring their guests also abide by this rule.
17. Audio/video sound
Movies, videos, songs, internet calls, presentations and all other audio must only be played through headphones and should not be audible to any other member or guest present. Internet calls must only take place in designated areas.
18. Press/social media
The Room operates a strict no-press policy. Members will be held accountable if they or their guests disclose or identify any other members or guests in the Room in the public domain, whether in any press or social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and personal blogs.
19. Confidentiality
The Henley Room management and all staff members are required to adhere to the strictest confidentiality standards and pledge to maintain all records and personal information concerning the members and their guests in the strictest confidence.
20. Illegal drugs/substances/items
No member or guest shall purchase, use, ingest, possess, sell or otherwise distribute illegal drugs or other substances, or attempt to do any of the same with any member or guest. No member or guest shall ask any staff for illegal drugs or other substances while at the Room, or in the immediate vicinity thereof. If any of the actions above prove true, the relevant member and/or guest will be removed from the Room and the membership in question will be terminated.
No member or guest shall purchase, sell, use or possess any object which is illegal or offensive while in the Room or the immediate vicinity thereof. If any such objects are found, the item will be confiscated, the relevant member and/or guest will be removed from the Room, the membership in question will be terminated and, depending on the circumstances, we may have to call the police or relevant authorities.
21. Bills
All bills must be settled in full before leaving the Room. There are no credit facilities; all abandoned bills will be charged to the member’s card on file. Members are responsible for their guests’ bills; if they are not paid, the member may face suspension.
22. Food and beverages
Please refrain from bringing any outside food or beverages to the Room, unless medically necessary or approved by the General Manager.
23. Private hire and Room maintenance
We may at times close all or part of the Room to members and their guests for private events or necessary maintenance, repair or redecoration work.
Where we close part of the Room for private events, please respect the privacy of all private events occurring in the Room and refrain from communicating any information about the event to third parties.
Where all or part of the Room is closed for maintenance, repair or redecoration work, or where we need to withdraw facilities or services because we consider that they may pose a risk to the health or safety of our members, guests or staff, or that they are detrimental to the business, we will seek to ensure that any such area, facility or service is reinstated as soon as possible.
24. Member events
We’re excited to hear what our members and guests get up to at The Henley Room. While you are a member or a guest in the Room, we may ask you to give your views of, and experiences at, The Henley Room. We may also film, video, or photograph our member events and activities at the Roome for use in our membership newsletters, as well as advertising, promotions, public relations, and other business purposes. If you take part in these interviews or events, we will provide you with a release for signing.
25. Accidents and injuries
We want all our members and guests to safely enjoy the activities and facilities available in the Room. Members and their guests agree to observe the Room rules and any signs published or displayed at the Room at any time and to take reasonable precautions when travelling around the facilities at the Room.
If a member or guest has an accident or suffers an injury at, or in the vicinity of, the Room, please report this as soon as possible to a member of staff and, in any event, within 24 hours of the incident. As well as wanting to check on a member or guest’s wellbeing, this information is needed to help us comply with our health and safety obligations and for insurance purposes.
26. Entering/leaving the Room
All members and their guests are asked to respect our nearby residents by being quiet when entering or leaving the Room, or while in the surrounding area.
27. Animals
No animals will be allowed in the Room interiors except for legally recognized and certified assistance dogs. Leashed dogs are permitted to be on the patio, or transitioning through the space to the patio. The Room reserves the right to request dogs leave the premises in the event they are being disruptive to other members and guests.
28. CCTV
Members and their guests should be aware that we use CCTV in and around the Room for safety reasons.
29. Smoking policy
All members and their guests are obligated to abide by municipal smoking by-laws. No smoking (including e-cigarettes and vapes) is allowed inside the Room or in any licensed areas at any time.
The Room reserves the right to designate certain outside areas of the premises as smoking areas and to change the location of such areas at any time. However, all members and their guests are requested to respect the wishes of other members and their guests concerning smoking and to refrain from smoking when requested to do so.
30. Disciplinary procedure
Conduct by a member or guest that is prejudicial to the reputation and character of the Room and the Argonaut Rowing Club may result in suspension or expulsion of such member or guest. Such conduct may include inappropriate, violent or abusive behaviour or the communication of information concerning affairs of members or their guests in the Room to the media. An expelled member may not return to the Room as a guest. A refund of the expelled member’s subscription will be at the discretion of the Argonaut Rowing Club. Any member or members who wilfully remove, damage or destroy any property belonging to the Argonaut Rowing Club, or members or guests on the premises, will be liable to expulsion and/or suspension or termination of their membership.
Every member agrees to abide by the rules, bylaws and regulations of Argonaut Rowing Club at all times upon acceptance as a member. If the Argonaut Rowing Club considers that any member’s (or their guests) conduct either inside or outside of the Room is, at its absolute discretion, contrary to the interests of the Argonaut Rowing Club, The Argonaut Rowing Club may immediately suspend the membership or guest from the property and/or terminate that member’s membership. As per the Argonaut Rowing Club’s policies, all suspensions and terminations will subject to review and due process.
31. Rights and privileges of membership
A member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Room granted to a person in their capacity as a member and shall be bound by these rules, but shall have no proprietary rights in any of the premises or respect of property of the Argonaut Rowing Club.
32. Liability of the Argonaut Rowing Club
All items brought into the Room are brought and left entirely at the risk of a member, or their guests. The Argonaut Rowing Club, its staff and/or agents shall not be liable to any member or guest for any loss, damage or injury suffered by them or their property howsoever caused. This is not intended to affect any mandatory rights a member or guest may have under local law that we cannot legally restrict or exclude.
33. Interpretation of the rules
In the event of any dispute arising as to the meaning or interpretation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Argonaut Rowing Club Board, whose decision concerning your membership shall be final and without appeal.
34. Amendments to the Room rules
The Argonaut Rowing Club may change the Room rules from time to time, by communicating a notification of the change via email. Please be aware that the Room rules in your welcome package may not be completely up to date and that the latest version of the Room rules are displayed on
35. Contacting us
Should you have any questions regarding your membership and/or the Room rules, please contact the general manager.